The advanced image analysis, which takes place behind the scenes in Premiere Pro does all the heavy lifting for you.ġ In the Project panel, select the Warp Stabilizer bin.Ģ Double-click the Warp Stabilizer sequence to open it in the Timeline panel. What makes the Warp Stabilizer so unique is that you generally don’t need to change any of the default settings to get a good result. The Warp Stabilizer, introduced in Adobe After Effects CS5.5 and now available in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, is an incredibly advanced stabilization tool that can make this type of footage look as if it was recorded with a sophisticated camera rig. Note: This excerpt is from the forthcoming book Adobe Creative Suite CS6 Production Premium Classroom in a Book, ISBN 978-8-9.Ī common issue that occurs with footage recorded on handheld cameras is that it can be shaky and uneven, making it difficult to watch.